My Journey

Hello world! I am a multidisciplinary designer and I like building things. I also like drawing, making music and playing video games.

Most days you’ll find me hanging with my pomsky dog Bailey and scrambling for free time.

How It All Began

When I was a kid, I saw Toy Story for the first time and I knew I wanted to become a character animator. However, growing up like every other millennial, in a time where technology changed from analog to digital and instant connectivity became a part of our everyday lives, I later became interested in the design world and anything related to the information age.

I still have a passion for animation and I use it as a tool for prototyping and storytelling.

After finishing my Bachelors in visual and media arts, I spent my time creating installation art and experimenting with visual programming using Processing and MaxMSP. Later on, I wanted to explore the less existential world of art, by studying a Master’s degree in digital media, where I had the opportunity to learn about design thinking and project management.

During the last year of my studies, I ventured in the startup world and co-founded Orbits, a real-time collaboration tool. While at Orbits, I had the opportunity to pitch our project to key people at Mozilla, Facebook, and Hootsuite.

Besides art and design, music has been part of my life since I can remember. I danced ballet for 15 years which gave me the sensitivity to connect motion with music and storytelling.
Music composition is my emotional outlet every other day. I play the piano and experiment with electronic music. In the last few years, I've had a few piano recitals and the opportunity to play with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra School of Music during my piano studies there.

Lastly, I spent close to 2 years as a digital nomad traveling and working remotely. I’ve been privileged enough to make a home in places like Mexico, Canada, Spain, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and France.

Who inspires me:

Lev Manovich, Marshall McLuhan, Golan Levin

Favourite artists:

Roy Lichtenstein, John Cage

Recent books:

Life 3.0, Fourth Wing

Listening to:

YoSoyMatt, Worakls, N'to

Currently playing:

World of Warcraft, Sea of Stars, Brawl Stars

When I'm Not working


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© 2024 • Bettsina Walkinson • Bettsinawalks